Creating programs that deliver convenient service to help brokers serve their customers better is another example of Zurich HelpPoint®.
Toronto, ON, September 23, 2010 — Zurich, Canada today announced the launch of The new website allows Zurich, Canada contracted brokers to rate, quote, issue and manage builders risk policies anytime, anywhere right from their computer. When using the system, most builders risk policies can be issued in as few as nine steps and as fast as nine minutes.
“By leveraging Zurich’s strength in builders risk insurance in the United States, we are bringing the convenience of a proven product and platform to the Canadian marketplace. In pilot sessions, brokers have been very impressed by the easy, online system and the speed at which a builders risk policy can be quoted and issued,” said Evergreen Lee, head of new program development for Zurich, Canada. “Developing innovative products with the needs of our customers in mind is how Zurich is continuing to provide value-added service that distinguishes it from other insurance companies.”
Coverage is available for new construction or remodelling projects up to $5 million for non-combustible projects and up to $4 million for frame projects. Ideal for both commercial and residential projects, brokers using can easily quote and issue policies that automatically include 13 coverages. In keeping with the focus on customer needs, coverages can also be customized to meet the specific requirements of each project including flood, earthquake, soft costs, and green building exposures.
Zurich brokers not already registered for this innovative platform can register at and start issuing commercial or residential policies quickly.
About Zurich, Canada
Zurich, Canada is part of Zurich Financial Services Group (Zurich), an insurance-based financial services provider with a global network of subsidiaries and offices in North America and Europe as well as in Asia Pacific, Latin America and other markets. Founded in 1872, the Zurich Group is headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland. It employs approximately 60,000 people serving customers in more than 170 countries. In Canada, Zurich is focused on developing solutions for: large Canadian corporations; Canadian-based multinationals; customers in construction, transportation, manufacturing and environmental industries; and groups and associations in niche markets.