Advocis announces new chair at AGM in Banff

Toronto, ON � Advocis, The Financial Advisors Association of Canada announced today the appointment of Teresa Black Hughes, CFP, CLU, RFP, FMA, CIM as chair of the TFAAC Board of Directors and confirmed its national board of directors at the AGM in Banff, Alberta.

�I am honoured that the membership has elected me as the chair of the Board,� said chair, Teresa Black Hughes. �Recognizing that consumers are best served by professional financial advisors, Advocis will continue its mission to prepare, promote and protect financial advisors in the public interest.�

Black Hughes has been in the financial services industry for over 27 years, the last 16 years specializing in retirement and estate consulting. Last year, she sat on the TFAAC board as vice chair. She has served on the board of Advocis Greater Vancouver as vice president and on the board of the Canadian Association of Financial Planners (BC) as both treasurer and vice president. Other community experience includes British Columbia Christian Academy chair, and Treasurer for both the West Vancouver Chamber of Commerce and the Pitt Meadows Chamber of Commerce. Black Hughes, a frequent media commentator on financial planning, is a partner in the BC firm Solguard Financial Ltd.

The national directors for the 2007/2008 term are:

Kris Birchard, CFP, CLU, TEP
Cindy Bowden, CLU, CH.F.C.
Valerie Chatain White, CFP
Joe Flynn
Brian Henley, CFP, CLU, CH.F.C.
Harley Lockhart, CFP
Robert McCullagh, CFP, CLU, CH.F.C., RHU
Randy McGlynn, CLU
Roger McMillan, CFP, CLU, CH.F.C.
Dean Owen, CLU, CH.F.C.
Terry Zavitz, CFP, CLU, RHU, REBC
Terry Zive, CLU, CH.F.C., FLMI

About Advocis

Advocis is a national professional association that prepares, promotes and protects financial advisors in the public interest. It does this by providing a professional platform including career support, designations, best practices direction, education, timely information and professional liability insurance. This strengthens the relationship of trust and respect between financial advisors and their clients, the public, and government. .