Pearl River, New York, August 24, 2010�Eddie, the industry-wide Real Time/Download Campaign mascot whose name comes from �Ease of Doing business,� is tapping current Web technology to drive �ease of doing communication.� As part of the Campaign�s awareness-building activities, Eddie is launching a new blog at
According to Campaign co-chair Cyndy Smith, vice president, technology, at Haylor, Freyer & Coon, Syracuse, N.Y., the blog supports the Campaign�s goal of boosting availability and adoption of Real Time and Download functionality within the Independent Agency System. �Eddie will keep industry professionals up-to-date on new developments, education opportunities, successes and other Real Time news and information,� Smith says.
�Eddie already has a presence on Facebook, which allows for interaction with a number of friends,� adds fellow co-chair Karen Youngman, CPCU, personal lines manager at Don Allen Agency, Rochester, N.Y. �By blogging, Eddie will be able to generate increased awareness of important industry workflow enhancements and drive greater two-way communication on Real Time and Download issues.�
The new blog lets visitors read posts online and receive updates via email or RSS reader. Also, it provides opportunity for conversations about Real Time and Download issues via its �Comments� functionality.
To see actual demos of agents using real time and to learn about available tools to assist with implementation, Eddie encourages insurance friends to attend the Campaign�s free webinar, �Save Time & Increase Profits with Real Time,� on September 8, 2:00-3:00 p.m. EDT, by registering at
About the Real Time/Download Campaign:
Launched in 2007, the Real Time/Download Campaign is dedicated to improving the competitiveness of the independent agency distribution channel. The campaign�supported by independent agents, trade associations, carriers and technology providers�isn�t advocating a specific technology, but a workflow approach that frees up more time for agencies to sell, process and service business. Visit Eddie�s Facebook page at
Campaign sponsors include: ACORD-User Groups Information Exchange (AUGIE)/ACORD; Agents Council for Technology (ACT)/Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America; Allied Property & Casualty Insurance/Nationwide; Applied Systems; Applied Systems Client Network (ASCnet); Artizan Internet Services; EMC Insurance Companies; Grange Insurance; Harleysville; The Hartford; IVANS; Liberty Mutual Agency Markets; MetLife Auto & Home; Network of Vertafore Users (NetVU), formerly AMS Users Group; PIA of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut & New Hampshire; Progressive Insurance; Strategic Insurance Software (SIS); Travelers; Vertafore; and Westfield Insurance.