TORONTO, ONTARIO – (June 28, 2010) – Automated Benefits Inc., a wholly-owned
subsidiary of Automated Benefits Corp. (TSX-V: AUT), is proud to announce the release of version 4.0 of the Adjudicare software, transitioning the Adjudicare software from a computer-based platform to a web-based application.
The latest software release introduces a number of new features, enabling clients to manage higher volumes with greater ease while accessing information on plan aspects, such as design and claim history, more efficiently. Latest security standards have been implemented to better support the systems requirements for third party administrators and insurance companies looking to accommodate large user groups within the Adjudicare software.
In addition to the ease and simplicity clients will realize with the new software version, the transition to a web application will also streamline the integration of clients� existing systems for the management of eligibility data and maintenance of claim history.
“The release of version 4.0 confirms our commitment to quickly delivering high quality solutions to support each client�s unique needs,” states John Jackson, president of Automated Benefits Inc. “The transition of the Adjudicare software to a web-based application strengthens its technical platform, increasing its capacity for large volumes of group business and elevating the software to a true software as a service (SaaS) computing model.”
For more information on the Adjudicare product, visit or call 1.866.647.1147.
About Automated Benefits Inc.
Automated Benefits Corp., headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, is a software company dedicated to developing applications for the insurance industry. The corporation currently has two subsidiaries, Automated Benefits Inc. and Symbility Solutions Inc.
Automated Benefits Inc. provides the Adjudicare software solution for the adjudication of health and dental claims. This software adjudicates claims in real time, providing clients with the highest level of flexibility available along with complete disclosure on the plan�s financial performance. Automated Benefits Inc. enables their clients to provide an additional level of value-added service in a very cost effective manner. The Adjudicare software supports the adjudication of health and dental claims through local insurance brokers across Canada.