Braintree, MA (June 2, 2010) – MIB Solutions, Inc. and Hooper Holmes, two companies
embedded in the workflow of every North American life insurer, have formed a strategic
alliance to help insurers better evaluate excess mortality risk in their book of new business
using MIB Solution�s Audit Focus and lab data from Heritage Labs, a division of Hooper
Audit Focus is a unique service that lets insurers review 100 percent of their recently issued
policies for excess mortality risk. All other approaches to underwriting audit, quality control
and risk management must extrapolate findings based on a random sample. By incorporating
specifically identified laboratory results from Heritage Labs, Audit Focus is able to provide
clearer insights into business exceptions and risk concentrations across every risk class to help
fine tune underwriting performance. Audit Focus enhanced with lab data from Heritage Labs
provides insurers with a sharper picture than previously possible, particularly for preferred
Both MIB Solutions and Hooper Holmes are industry-leaders in research and analytics
relative to the impact medical impairments have on life insurance risk assessment. Together,
these firms have the resources and the data to provide unique analytics and new risk
management products to their overlapping members/customers in the life insurance industry.
“Audit Focus with lab data lets insurers take the pulse of underwriting so they can more
closely align mortality risk with company expectations to increase performance,” said Stacy J.
Gill, executive vice president of MIB Solutions. “We anticipate this will be the first of several
collaborative efforts between our companies to help the industry better manage mortality
Over the last two years, Hooper Holmes� Heritage Labs division has achieved a leadership
position in biostatistical research, subsequently validated by major reinsurers. This research
enables insurance companies to design more competitive preferred criteria with improved
overall mortality. Heritage Labs has also developed innovative mortality and risk scores,
providing a more efficient and cost-effective means to accurately classify applicants and
generate reflex tests.
“We are excited about the synergies between MIB Solutions and Heritage Labs and look
forward to building product opportunities that help our mutual customers better manage risk,�
said Mark Patterson, president of Heritage Labs.
About MIB Solutions
MIB Solutions, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of the MIB Group, Inc., develops and
markets products and services that help insurance companies make better, more informed
underwriting and risk management decisions. In addition to new products and services, its
mission is to expand MIB Inc.�s core fraud detection and deterrence services into new markets
About Audit Focus
Audit Focus is provided by MIB Solutions, Inc. exclusively to members of MIB Group, Inc.
for assessing and managing their life underwriting risk and not to determine the eligibility of
individuals for insurance or benefits. Audit Focus reports are only generated on recently
issued policies for which applicants authorized the use of MIB, Inc.’s fraud detection service
known as the “MIB Checking Service.”
About Hooper Holmes
Hooper Holmes is a leader in collecting personal health data and transforming it into useful
information, enabling customers to take actions that manage or reduce their risks and
expenses. With presence in hundreds of markets and a network of thousands of examiners,
Hooper Holmes can arrange a medical exam anywhere in the U.S. and deliver the results to its
Hooper Holmes has four divisions. Portamedic provides a wide range of medical exam
services nationwide. Heritage Labs tests millions of samples annually and helps life insurers
improve underwriting performance by better applying the predictive powers of today�s tests.
Hooper Holmes� Services provides the industry�s best value in data collection, teleinterviewing
and underwriting services. Hooper Holmes Health & Wellness provides a
complete service for wellness, disease management, and managed care companies including
scheduling support, fulfillment of supplies, blood collection kits, medical screenings, lab
testing and data transmission.