Saskatoon to pilot Report Impaired Drivers: SGI

March 12, 2010 – The public is being asked to help make Saskatoon roads safer with a pilot program called Report Impaired Drivers (RID).

This crime prevention project encourages Saskatoon residents to call 911 and report suspected impaired drivers to the police.

“Drinking and driving continues to be the number one contributing factor in fatal collisions in Saskatchewan,” Minister Responsible for SGI June Draude said. “RID promotes the public’s assistance in reporting impaired drivers and serves as a warning that there are now many eyes watching for anyone driving under the influence.”

The RID program is spearheaded by SGI, the Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority (SLGA) and the Saskatoon Police Service with support from Mothers Against Drunk Driving, Students Against Drinking and Driving and Rawlco Radio.

“SLGA will help spread the word about the program through its nine Saskatoon liquor stores and is asking Saskatoon’s 300 liquor permitted establishments to also help spread the word,” Minister Responsible for SLGA Christine Tell said. “By working together to raise awareness we can make the streets safer and prevent some of the needless tragedies that occur all too often.”

The Saskatoon Police Service has the resources in place to handle the potential increase in 911 calls that will be generated by RID.

“Creating a safer Saskatoon is a priority for the Saskatoon Police Service,” Police Chief Clive Weighill said. “With assistance from members of the public, our officers will have another tool to stop drinking and driving.”

It is recommended that drivers have passengers make the 911 call or pull over safely to the side of the road before dialing.

About SGI

Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI) is the province’s self-sustaining auto insurance fund. SGI operates 21 claims centres and five salvage centres across Saskatchewan with a head office in Regina. SGI also works with a network of more 400 motor licence issuers across the province.