P/C Carrier Technology Research Report just released: iter8

Toronto, ON. – February 16, 2010 – Recently, agents and brokers had their say about P/C carrier technology in a robust survey sponsored by iter8, conducted by Deep Customer Connections. iter8, an insurance solutions software developer, commissioned the research in order to give independent agents and brokers the opportunity to indicate their technology needs in an open-ended format. The report, “In Their Own Words,” identifies the themes in agents’ responses and cites dozens of direct quotes from agents and brokers alike in response to four questions:

  • What irritates or bugs you the most about the technology of the P/C carriers you represent?
  • What do you like best about the technology that carriers provide for you?
  • What are the two most important things P/C carriers should do to improve their technology?
  • What are your suggestions for how P/C carriers can more effectively help you use their technology?

In addition, more than 400 agents identified and ranked the importance of specific technology functionalities they want to see provided by carriers that are not currently offered.

Nort Salz, President of Deep Customer Connections stated “Our aim is to strengthen the carrier-independent agent distribution channel. Gathering this kind of information helps carriers better understand what they should invest in to make it easier for their agents to place business with them.”

Added Glen Piller, President and CEO of iter8, “P&C insurance carriers look to iter8 to provide insights on the needs of agents and brokers. This research allows us to reach them directly, and have them tell us their specific research needs. Deep Customer Connections are experts at designing such surveys and interpreting the wealth of responses.”

In addition to detailed analysis of agents’ responses, the report includes recommendations for what carriers can do to formulate technology strategies as well as design and deploy technology solutions in a way that supports their eager acceptance and use by agents.

The report is available at In Their Own Words

About iter8

iter8 Inc. is a software solutions provider to the Property and Casualty Insurance Industry, its products designed to increase profitability by solving problems – centered on Agent Portals, Agent Connectivity and Underwriting Operating Excellence – through smart innovation and proven expertise in both the insurance business and in technology, implementation, and service.

A dynamic, creative company, iter8 has a track record of successfully streamlining insurance processes, improving time-to-market, and saving companies money. www.iter8.com