LOMA Partners With North American Training Group to Provide Anti-Fraud Training

LOMALearn online delivery provides flexible learning programs

ATLANTA – January 27, 2010 – In response to increasing industry demand for anti-fraud training, LOMA announces its partnership with the North American Training Group (NATG) to deliver online courses on the topic of insurance fraud. Concise, relevant and focused, these courses offer convenient and engaging education to professional license holders and other insurance specialists while providing quality insurance fraud training to all integral anti-fraud personnel as required by state insurance regulations.

“We are very pleased to partner with NATG to offer best-in-class online courses covering a variety of anti-fraud topic areas. These courses provide important content coverage to complement other offerings within LOMA�s online course catalog and will help employees throughout the financial services industry become better equipped to combat insurance fraud,” stated Kathy Milligan, FLMI, ACS, Vice President of LOMA�s Education and Training Division.

“As insurance fraud continues to grow annually at staggering rates, we believe we have to inform everyone in the insurance profession how the fraud is being committed and by who, how they can identify it and how they can help combat this out of control epidemic. Our courses enlighten the insurance professional with inside knowledge of these issues, those which used to only be provided to the insurance investigators” stated Fred Wharton, FCLS, President and CEO of North American Training Group.

The new courses will address topics that include fraud in life and disability insurance, introduction to insurance fraud for agents and adjusters, privacy in an insurance investigation, and the use of surveillance in an insurance investigation. Additionally, to provide optimum learning flexibility, the curriculum will be delivered via the exclusive LOMALearn platform.

A complete listing of these courses can be found at www.lomalearn.org.

About LOMA

Established in 1924, with 1,200 plus member companies in over 80 countries, LOMA is committed to a business partnership with its
world-wide members in the insurance and financial services industry to improve their management and operations through quality employee
development, research, information sharing and related products and services. To find out more about LOMA and the learning opportunities
it offers, visit LOMA�s Web site at www.loma.org.