Dalbar’s Defined Contribution Pension Plan statements results

Monday, 29 December 2008 – Sun Life Financial has been ranked number one in the financial services industry by DALBAR�s 2008 Defined Contribution Pension Plan Trends and Best Practices, a study evaluating which company�s pension plan statements most effectively meet investors� information needs.

A financial institution�s statement is the customer�s lifeline to financial services. The statement acts as proof of ownership and is unquestionably the most important communication to customers. In fact, a majority of customers consider the paper statement to be synonymous with the financial service itself.

The Statement Evaluation program offers guidance to a financial service institution in making the most effective use of its customer statements. The evaluation searches for opportunities to improve and identifies current features that may injure the relationship with customers or may create an image that is not in line with that of the institution.

The Statement Evaluation draws from an inventory of practices across many sectors of financial services to locate the best for a particular statement.

Institutions that submit statements/plans for evaluation have immediate access to the most comprehensive and current inventory of statement practices. This results in some key benefits:

  • Dramatically shorter time to decide on and/or revise a statement
  • Identify the best practices that are applicable to the circumstances
  • Learn of new ideas that have been successfully deployed elsewhere
  • Expert opinions that can be used to resolve differing points of view

About Dalbar, Inc.

Dalbar, Inc., the nation’s leading financial services market research and consulting firm, is committed to raising the standards of excellence in the financial services industry. With offices in both the US and Canada, Dalbar develops standards for, and provides research, ratings, and rankings of intangible factors to the mutual fund, broker/dealer, life insurance, property and casualty, and managed account industries. They include investor behavior, customer satisfaction, service quality, communications, Internet services, and financial professional ratings. www.dalbarinc.com