RIMS Canada Conference Convenes September 13-16

NEW YORK (August 14, 2009) – Climate change, enterprise risk management and insurer insolvency are three key topics to be explored at the 35th Annual RIMS Canada Conference on September 13-16, in St. John’s, Newfoundland. Dubbed “Charting the Course-Navigating Your Risk,” the conference is hosted by RIMS Newfoundland and Labrador Chapter. Online registration closes August 28.

“The main goal of RIMS Canada Conference is to provide exceptional educational sessions but it will also host many networking opportunities for attendees to meet and talk to experts from the insurance industry and other professional backgrounds,” says Marilyn P. Leonard, AIIC, CCIB, RIMS Canada Conference co-chair and manager of corporate risk and insurance at Nalcor Energy.

“RIMS Canada Conference is the place to gain valuable perspective and insight to issues that are of particular interest and relevance to RIMS members in Canada,” adds Elizabeth “Betty” Clarke, FCIP, CRM, RIMS Canada Conference co-chair and risk manager/business continuity coordinator for the City of St. John’s.

This year’s conference features more than 20 breakout sessions. Featured speakers include:

  • Gen. R. J. Hillier, retired from the Canadian Forces, speaking on “Corporate and Military Risk Management Strategies”
  • Dr. Richard Leblanc, assistant professor of corporate governance, law and ethics at the Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies, York University, speaking on “Enabling and Empowering the Risk Manager”
  • Gwynne Dyer, author and freelance journalist, speaking on “Global Events Affecting Canadian Business”
  • Rex Murphy, CBC personality, author and columnist at the Globe and Mail, speaking on “Politics, Business and the Media: Communicating in an Age of Clamour”

Other events at the conference include the sixth annual McGannon Foundation 5K Fun Run / Walk, sponsored by FM Global and RIMS Canada Council. Proceeds will benefit the William H. McGannon Foundation, which provides resources and grants to advance risk management in Canada. Other networking events include an opening reception, gala and Exhibit Hall coffee breaks and luncheons.

Online registration closes August 28. On-site registration will be available on September 12. Complete details and registration for RIMS Canada Conference are available at http://conference.RIMScanada.org.

About the Risk and Insurance Management Society, Inc.

The Risk and Insurance Management Society, Inc. (RIMS) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to advancing the practice of risk management, a professional discipline that protects physical, financial and human resources. Founded in 1950, RIMS represents more than 4,000 industrial, service, nonprofit, charitable and governmental entities. The Society serves more than 10,500 risk management professionals around the world. For more information, visit www.RIMS.org.