ICLR Joins UN Insurance Working Group For Sustainability

May, 2009 – On May 19, Butch Bacani, Programme Officer, Insurance & Investment, for the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) informed the Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction (ICLR) that it has been accepted in the UNEP FI academic working group as an advisory institution.

UNEP FI is a global partnership between the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the financial sector. UNEP FI works closely with over 170 financial institutions who are signatories to the UNEP FI statements, and a range of partner organizations to develop and promote linkages between the environment, sustainability and financial performance. Through regional activities, a comprehensive work programme, training programmes and research, UNEP FI carries out its mission to identify, promote, and realize the adoption of best environmental and sustainability practice at all levels of financial institution operations.

UNEP FI provides its signatories with practical research, capacity building, action oriented publications, as well as hosting international conferences and events that bring together professionals from around the globe. UNEP FI also provides quality support for member organizations. In addition to a dedicated team, UNEP FI opens up a vast network of sustainable development contacts, information and networking services that are dedicated to helping member organizations make a difference.

The UNEP FI Insurance Working Group (IWG) is an alliance of leading insurers and reinsurers committed to integrating ESG factors into their core business strategies and operations to enhance long-term company value. In 2006, the IWG was established to address current and emerging sustainability issues concerning the insurance industry.

About the Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction

Established in 1998 by Canada’s property and casualty insurers, ICLR is an independent, not-for-profit research institute based in Toronto and at the University of Western Ontario in London, Canada. ICLR is a centre of excellence for disaster loss prevention research and education. ICLR’s research staff is internationally recognized for pioneering work in a number of fields including wind and seismic engineering, atmospheric sciences, water resources engineering and economics. Multi-disciplined research is a foundation for ICLR’s work to build communities more resilient to disasters. www.iclr.org