Desjardins General Insurance Enhances Its Online Service Offer With New Automobile and Motorcycle Quoters

Lévis (Québec), April 24, 2009 – Desjardins General Insurance (DGI) has introduced new and improved online automobile and motorcycle insurance quoters.

The auto insurance quoter has been completely redesigned and is now shorter, simpler and personalized for users. The new quoter makes it easy for Web users to get an accurate price quickly, compare DGI’s different coverage packages and make an informed choice about the best coverage to suit their needs.

DGI has also enhanced its online product offer with the new motorcycle quoter.

The auto and motorcycle quoters complete the range of existing Internet tools, including the home insurance quoter and online client services, which allow policyholders to manage their policies online.

These competitive advantages will no doubt secure DGI’s position as the number 1 insurer in Quebec and increase its market share in Ontario and Alberta.

About Desjardins General Insurance

Active in the individual P&C insurance market, Desjardins General Insurance is a subsidiary of Desjardins General Insurance Group (DGIG). Through its different brands, DGIG offers direct P&C insurance to the general public, businesses in Quebec and members of partner groups across Canada. DGIG has a portfolio of 1.8 million policies in force, a business volume of $1.5 billion and assets of $2.9 billion.

SOURCE: Desjardins Insurance