Information Builders Positioned in Leaders Quadrant in New Business Intelligence Report by Independent Analyst Firm

2009 BI Platforms Magic Quadrant Evaluation Based on Completeness of Vision and Ability to Execute

New York, NY – January 22, 2009 – Information Builders, the independent leader in operational business intelligence (BI) systems today announced that Gartner has placed the company in the Leaders Quadrant of the “Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence Platforms,” report. BI software solution providers are evaluated based on completeness of vision and ability to execute. Gartner defines these evaluation criteria as a vendor’s “ability and success in making their vision a market reality” and “their understanding of how market forces can be exploited to create value for customers and opportunity for themselves.” 1

According to the Gartner report, “BI platforms are used to build applications that help organizations learn and understand their business.” In Gartner’s view, the BI platform market consists of vendors that meet at least eight out of 12 unique capabilities. “These capabilities are organized into three categories of functionality: integration, information delivery, and analysis.” “Leaders” are defined as vendors that “are reasonably strong in the breadth and depth of their BI platform capabilities, and which can deliver on enterprise-wide implementations that support a broad BI strategy. Leaders articulate a business proposition that resonates with buyers, supported by the viability and operational capability to deliver on a global basis.”

“Our ability to remain competitive and deliver value to our customers rests in our commitment to customer service and innovation backed by the strength and maturity of our flagship WebFOCUS offering and our ability to provide robust integration,” said Gerald Cohen, CEO and president, Information Builders. “We believe Gartner’s evaluation is acknowledgement of these strengths and demonstrates the effectiveness of our focus and delivery.”

About the Magic Quadrant

The Magic Quadrant is copyrighted 2009 by Gartner, Inc. and is reused with permission. The Magic Quadrant is a graphical representation of a marketplace at, and for, a specific time period. It depicts Gartner’s analysis of how certain vendors measure against criteria for that marketplace, as defined by Gartner. Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product, or service depicted in the Magic Quadrant, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors placed in the “Leaders” quadrant. The Magic Quadrant is intended solely as a research tool, and is not meant to be a specific guide to action. Gartner disclaims all warranties, express or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

About Information Builders

As a leading independent business intelligence (BI) company for the past 30 years, Information Builders has provided innovative solutions to more than 12,000 customers, including most of the Fortune 100 and numerous U.S. federal government agencies. The company’s flagship WebFOCUS product is the world’s most widely used BI platform. Superior architecture and intuitive nature enables WebFOCUS to address the needs of everyone in the extended global enterprise – executive, analytical, operational, and beyond. It provides the agility to adapt to changing business conditions with the security, scalability, and flexibility to support dozens to millions of users.

Unique to the company is the integration expertise it brings to the BI market. Information Builders iWay Software suite solves complex integration problems with pre-built components that require minimal custom programming. The award-winning combination of WebFOCUS and iWay gives Information Builders customers the ability to embrace the company motto: “Everyone Makes Decisions.”

Information Builders is committed to customer service excellence with a Professional Services division that specializes in building custom applications using WebFOCUS and iWay Software. Headquartered in New York City with 90 offices worldwide, the company employs 1,450 people and has more than 350 business partners. .

1 Hostmann, B., et al. “2009 Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence Platforms,” Gartner, January 16, 2009.