Insurance job opportunities on the rise as markets fall: DGA Careers

Insurance companies hungry for talent despite worsening Canadian economy according to packed Toronto recruitment seminar

TORONTO, October 17, 2008: In the midst of an increasingly bleak economic forecast for world business, DGA Careers ( , Canada’s largest insurance specialty recruiter, revealed a growing need for top talent in the insurance sector. In a Tuesday October 7 breakfast seminar event entitled “Profit by Recruiting Exceptional Talent” DGA management and other industry professionals addressed the rising number of opportunities in insurance leadership and jobs for qualified candidates to a room of leading insurance and human resources professionals.

With a median age of 41, our (the insurance industry’s) share of boomers is significantly higher than the rest of the workforce,” says consultant Lorie Guthrie Phair of LePhair Associates. “A full 1/3 of the broker/adjustor community alone could retire in the next ten years�and that percentage is even higher in management.”

The seminar focused on fresh strategies to address the talent shortage and the need for an immediate shift in recruitment approaches to meet changing times. In addition to Phair, the successful event at Toronto’s Verity Club featured speakers Eric J. Walker of Cookson Walker Consulting and Donald Givelos, founder of DGA Careers and Insurance Works (

“The recruiting pyramid has been flipped upside down,” says Givelos.” Years ago there were 10 candidates for one open position; today there is only one or two good candidates for ten positions.” The good news is that there are highly effective new methods companies can employ to attract fresh talent, including the use of multimedia, online job fairs and leading-edge incentive programs.

Givelos and other speakers recommended that companies rise to the challenge immediately and:

  • Create a strong HR brand to attract new and qualified talent
  • Develop CRM policy that puts the emphasis on the candidate
  • Foster stronger retention policies and incentives for staying, beyond salary alone

And most importantly:

  • Develop a continuous formalized recruitment process

“Although much has changed in the human capital arena over the years, one thing still remains the same, says Givelos. “Great people are always in demand but now much more difficult to find � especially in insurance.”

Founded in 1986, and headquartered in Toronto, DGA Careers is Canada’s leading Insurance specialty recruiter. DGA provides recruiting services for “C-suite” through junior positions to major insurers, insurance brokerage firms and independent adjusting firms. For more information,visit