AIG Travel Guard offers tips to ensure safe and fun vacations

TORONTO, June 2, 2008 – Dreading that long drive with your toddler this summer? Panicked about the possibility of your child getting sick out of the country? Whether you’re flying across the pond or taking a road trip to the States for a few days or a few weeks, stress-free travelling with your family requires some advance planning. From lost bags to long lines at the border, whatever can go wrong, may just go wrong, so be prepared for the unexpected by packing good travel insurance.

“Many Canadians don’t think about their travel insurance until they need it,” says Nathan LaFayette, Director of Operations, AIG Travel Guard. “For a small fraction of the cost of your trip, travel insurance provides peace of mind and a single phone number to call no matter where you are or what’s happened on your trip. Whether you are flying or driving, it should be something every family takes with them on their summer travels.”

When someone gets sick, when your daughter’s bag doesn’t arrive, or when you have to cancel your trip last minute, your credit card, government health plan, and work benefits likely won’t completely cover you. However, if you’ve arranged for travel insurance, you can focus on family fun, rather than what might go wrong.

“Don’t leave anything to chance. Know what you’re covered for and get additional coverage for medical or trip cancellation if you need it,” says LaFayette.

LaFayette suggests these tips to ensure you don’t face any nasty surprises:

  • Call your credit-card company or go online and find out exactly what you’re covered for — it is likely less than you think. For example, the travel accident insurance available on credit cards does not typically cover illness, lost baggage, or trip cancellation.
  • Ask your employer for your travel benefits information and look to see whether you’re covered for trip cancellation, trip interruption, and lost baggage — and if your family travelling with you is covered for medical emergencies as well.
  • Look up your province’s out-of-province health coverage online — you might be surprised at how little you’re covered for. For example, Ontario’s OHIP (Ontario Health Insurance Plan) covers only up to $400 per day in international medical expenses, while B.C.’s Medical Services Plan covers just $75 per day.
  • Investigate travel insurance and compare plans across companies. Some insurers’ websites let consumers see what competitors’ coverage costs. A few insurers let you top up your existing medical coverage, if you prefer. AIG Travel Guard, at, does both.
  • Think global. Global travel insurance providers, including AIG Travel Guard, have the expertise, translation services, and local knowledge to direct you to good hospitals and help ensure you get the best possible care.

Taking some time to prepare for the unexpected makes everyone rest a little easier. Travel Guard’s complete family of travel insurance and assistance service plans can be purchased online at, through Travel Guard’s 24-hour World Service Center (1.866.648.8422), or from a travel agent.

About AIG Travel Guard:

AIG Travel Guard is the largest provider of travel insurance and assistance in North America, offering consumers a variety of travel insurance plans, all with comprehensive travel and protection services. AIG Travel Guard is a wholly owned subsidiary of AIG Travel, Inc., a member company of American International Group, Inc. (AIG). AIG, a world leader in insurance and financial services, is a leading international insurance organization, with operations in more than 130 countries and jurisdictions.

AIG Travel Guard Canada insurance is underwritten by American Home Assurance Company, Canada Branch, with its principal place of business at 145 Wellington Street West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5J 1H8. American Home Assurance Company is a member company of American International Group, Inc.