Ignoring Workplace Injuries and Fatalities a Recipe for Disaster for Ontario: WSIB

Student Chefs Help the WSIB Stir Up Workplace Safety Awareness

TORONTO, November 5, 2007 – Last year in Ontario, 101 workers lost their lives due to traumatic injuries. This year, the number is already 73 at the end of October. We can’t allow this to continue.

“We hoped our graphic public awareness campaign last year would shock people into action to decrease the staggering number of workplace fatalities,” says Steve Mahoney, WSIB Chair. “This isn’t happening quickly enough, so this year we’re raising the bar even higher with ads that will strike an emotional chord with the people of Ontario.”

With today’s launch of its newest social marketing campaign, the WSIB continues its bold approach to raise workplace safety awareness. The theme – There Really are No Accidents – drives home the message that workplace injuries, illnesses and fatalities are unacceptable, intolerable and 100% preventable.

“I didn’t apologize for our ads last year and I certainly won’t this year,” continues Mahoney. “We won’t stop until every person in every workplace, worker and employer alike, takes responsibility for workplace safety and spreads the message that zero is the only acceptable number of workplace injuries, illnesses and fatalities.”

The campaign includes television and radio commercials, print ads, transit shelter and outdoor ads, Internet advertising and a customized website – www.prevent-it.ca. In addition to English and French, print and TV ads will also run in many other languages including Cantonese, Mandarin, Italian, Portuguese, Punjabi and Spanish.

Because workplace injuries can happen anywhere to anyone, the TV spots were filmed in generic locations – a construction site and a restaurant kitchen. To further illustrate the point, Liaison College of Culinary Arts was enlisted to participate in the launch and help spread the message.

“In my kitchen, and in the kitchen of every student who graduates from Liaison College, safety is always on the menu,” said Chef Carlos Mateus, Liaison College Instructor. “I hope everyone who sees these ads will be deeply affected – as I was – and will take up the challenge to eliminate injuries and illnesses in every Ontario workplace.”

Ontario’s Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) plays a key role in the province’s occupational health and safety system. The WSIB administers no-fault workplace insurance for employers and their workers and is committed to the prevention of workplace injuries and illnesses. The WSIB provides disability benefits, monitors the quality of healthcare, and assists in early and safe return to work for workers who are injured on the job or contract an occupational disease. More at http://www.wsib.on.ca
