Novinsoft Inc. Annual Meeting Sept 14, 2007 in Montreal

September 5, 2007 – PORT PERRY, ONTARIO – Novinsoft Inc – a leading developer of software for insurance and financial services firms — announced that they will be presenting their new XML Product Parameters Engine at the Novinsoft Annual Meeting on September 14th in Montreal. The meeting is open to all client companies, as well as other interested parties.

The XML Product Parameters Engine will allow client company home office personnel to change a variety of Illustration System product business rules and variables on their own.

Neil Menear, President of Novinsoft, noted, �Most of our client companies are very happy with us doing all the work to bang out new releases with product additions and changes. However, we do have some clients and prospects who would prefer to have the capability to edit plans, on their own, for product design and release purposes. This is a significant addition to the Novinsoft tool kit for those clients � with more to come.�

About Novinsoft

Novinsoft Inc. is a leading developer of new business and in-force illustration systems, needs analyses, sales concepts, and wealth management sales modules for the Canadian financial services industry. Information about Novinsoft and the Annual Meeting can be found on the internet at