“Momentum” – Ninth Annual CLIEDIS Seminar

CLIEDIS is hosting its ninth annual seminar on the data standards in the Canadian life insurance industry. They theme for this year’s seminar is Momentum. CLIEDIS will be presenting the results of a follow up survey that CLIEDIS commissioned to investigate the use of data standards, and specifically the ACORD XML for Life standard, in the Canadian life insurance industry.

Sandra Dolson (Sun Life) and Jamie McGeachin (HUB) will talk about the challenges of balancing the issue of privacy and compliance with the need for more electronic exchange of information. We hear how carriers and distributors are working together to address the issue.

There will be a panel discussion about CITS (Canadian Insurance Transaction Standardization), CLIEDIS initiative to provide a framework for transmitting electronic data. Find how about the challenges of implementing from both the carrier and distributor side. Ask questions of our experts.

It is an inconvenient truth that in the future trees may be required for oxygen and not as life insurance applications. Tim Fitzpatrick will envisage what the wise man meant when he said “change occurs when the pain of change becomes less than the pain of remaining the same”. Well known feature speaker Ross Morton will then provide his unique view of the issue with industry insider anecdotes and humorous meanderings.

The cost for this half day seminar CLIEDIS members is $75 and $150 for others. The seminar is being held at the downtown Toronto Board of Trade. More information and register at www.cliedis.ca/seminar.asp.

About Cliedis

CLIEDIS coordinates Canadian interests in the development of public life insurance data exchange standards. CLIEDIS partners with ACORD (Association for Cooperative Operations Research and Development) in support of ACORD’s XML for Life standards in Canada. CLIEDIS supports the use of XML for Life and will assure that any future development supports the requirements of its Canadian users. More at http://www.cliedis.ca.
