Standard Life donates $220,000 to Centraide of Greater Montreal

en fran�ais

MONTREAL, Jan. 18 2007 – Mr. Joseph Iannicelli, President and Chief Executive Officer of The Standard Life Assurance Company of Canada, recently presented a cheque in the amount of $220,000 to Ms. Mich�le Thibodeau-DeGuire, President and Executive Director of Centraide of Greater Montreal.

This sum represents the total amount of funds raised for the 2006 Centraide of Greater Montreal campaign, and includes contributions made by employees, pensioners and a donation made by the Company. “For the past 30 years, Standard Life has supported Centraide/United Way. I am pleased to see that our employees have never stopped giving generously,” said Mr. Iannicelli.

In 2006, Standard Life invested more than $1.5 million in the community. This investment includes, among others, donations to the Centraide/United Way campaign in addition to contributions made to different educational and health institutions across Canada. This amount also includes a donation of $350,000 raised during the 24th annual Step Up for the Children with Standard Life fundraising campaign for the Foundation for Research into Children’s Diseases.

Standard Life takes its responsibility as a corporate citizen very seriously, and its employees have established a long-standing tradition of sharing with the community they serve.

About Standard Life:

The Standard Life Assurance Company of Canada and its affiliated companies in Canada had $34.5 billion in assets under management as of June 30, 2006 and offer a wide range of financial products and services to over 1.31 million individuals, including group insurance and pension plan members. Total premium income and deposits reached $5.2 billion in 2005. (

The Standard Life group is a leading provider of financial products and services, with approximately 7 million customers worldwide. As of June 30, 2006, its investment management business had $254 billion in assets under management. Founded in Edinburgh (Scotland) in 1825, The Standard Life Assurance Company became a mutual life insurance company in 1925. Following overwhelming support by voting members and subsequent approval from the Court of Session in Scotland, the Company demutualized and a new public company – Standard Life plc – was born. Standard Life plc was listed on the London Stock Exchange (FTSE), under the ticker symbol or code SL., on July 10, 2006. (

Standard Life remet 220 000 $ � Centraide du Grand Montr�al


MONTREAL, le 18 janv. 2007 – M. Joseph Iannicelli, pr�sident et chef de la direction de la Compagnie d’assurance Standard Life du Canada, a pr�sent� r�cemment un ch�que au montant de 220 000 $ � Mme Mich�le Thibodeau-DeGuire, pr�sidente et directrice g�n�rale de Centraide du Grand Montr�al.

Cette somme repr�sente le montant amass� pour la campagne 2006 de Centraide du Grand Montr�al. Elle comprend le don corporatif, ainsi que les dons des employ�s et des retrait�s de la Standard Life. “La tradition veut que depuis plus de 30 ans, la Standard Life appuie le r�seau Centraide / United Way. Je suis heureux de constater que les employ�s n’ont jamais cess� de donner avec g�n�rosit�”, a d�clar� M. Iannicelli.

Au cours de l’ann�e 2006, la Standard Life a investi plus de 1,5 million $ dans la communaut�. Cet investissement comprend notamment les dons au r�seau Centraide / United Way, ainsi qu’� divers �tablissements d’enseignement et de sant� � travers le Canada. Le montant comprend �galement un don de 350 000 $ � la Fondation de la recherche sur les maladies infantiles, somme amass�e au cours de la 24e campagne annuelle de Grands pas pour les enfants avec la Standard Life. La Standard Life prend tr�s au s�rieux sa responsabilit� sociale d’entreprise et ses employ�s ont �tabli une longue tradition de partage avec la collectivit�.

A propos de la Standard Life :

La Compagnie d’assurance Standard Life du Canada et ses soci�t�s affili�es au Canada g�rent un actif de 34,5 milliards $ (au 30 juin 2006) et fournissent une vaste gamme de produits et de services financiers � plus de 1,31 million de particuliers, incluant les participants des r�gimes d’assurances et de retraite collectifs. En 2005, le revenu-primes et les d�p�ts ont atteint 5,2 milliards $. (

Le groupe Standard Life est un fournisseur de premier rang de produits et de services financiers et il compte environ 7 millions de clients � travers le monde. Au 30 juin 2006, ses activit�s de gestion de placements repr�sentaient un actif de 254 milliards $. Fond�e � Edimbourg (Ecosse) en 1825, la Compagnie d’assurance Standard Life est devenue une mutuelle d’assurance vie en 1925. Apr�s l’appui massif des membres votants et l’approbation ult�rieure de la cour de session d’Ecosse, la Compagnie s’est d�mutualis�e, et une nouvelle soci�t� ouverte – Standard Life plc – a �t� cr��e. Standard Life plc a �t� admise � la Bourse de Londres (LSE), sous le symbole ou code SL., le 10 juillet 2006. (