Hamilton, ON – Friday, June 30th, 2006 – CARSTAR Automotive Canada has announced that it has signed a national agreement to utilize the claims portal, SMART Insurance Technology managed by CGI Insurance Business Services.
CARSTAR�s 114 locations throughout Canada will now begin to receive assignments from SMART users. The SMART portal automates and streamlines the communication process between claim adjusters and other participants on a claim driving quality customer service and efficiencies.
�We believe the SMART portal can provide significant value to our stakeholders and look forward to the value-added that CARSTAR�s participation can bring to SMART users nationwide.� said Larry Jefferies, EVP, CARSTAR Automotive Canada.
�We are pleased CARSTAR has joined the SMART portal. Not only will they now receive assignments more easily from SMART users but will also help establish SMART as the industry claims portal bringing various benefits to vendors and adjusters alike,� said Fred Silvestri, director, SMART Insurance Technology at CGI.
About Smart Insurance Technology
CGI�s SMART is a property and casualty insurance claims management portal that uses automation to transmit electronic assignments with all relevant coverage and claim information to vendors immediately as the claim is initiated. SMART reduces initial claims handling time by as much as 40% and facilitates real-time communications between adjusters, third party partners and vendors. SMART enables wireless information access and provides document management, consolidating all information into one central file. The benefits include increased adjuster efficiency, reduced cost of claims and expenses and improved customer satisfaction. SMART is used by several clients in Canada including CGI Adjusters Inc., a division of CGI Insurance Business Services. More information at CGI Insurance Business Services
About CARSTAR Automotive Canada
With over 300 locations across North America, CARSTAR is the leader in the automotive collision repair industry. Founded in Hamilton, Ontario, CARSTAR Automotive Canada has grown from eight to over 100 locations in just 10 years. CARSTAR repairs approximately 1 in 20 vehicles in Canada � 6,000 vehicles per month � with high rates of customer satisfaction. For more information, please visit CARSTAR at www.carstar.ca.