Corporate goals & success are attained by and through your people. Payroll is the largest expense on your financial statements. With these realities in mind, human capital can be an organization�s greatest asset. It can also be its greatest liability. Both outcomes impact your bottom line. And that is why Human Resources Risk Management is so crucial to a company�s success; it recognizes and addresses these outcomes.
Human Resources Risk Management is a proactive approach and cost effective alignment of management resources.
Look at the time and money spent managing these areas:
Employee productivity
Attraction and retention ( turnover )
Training & development
Workplace torts (e.g.: wrongful dismissal)
Enforcement of company policies
Compliance with workplace legislation
Compensation and incentives
This list is inherently demanding for both small companies and dedicated HR departments. You can appreciate the impact of ineffective management in one area. You can also appreciate how one weak area can affect another. Reacting to fires distracts management from focusing on business strategies. Failing to recognize the symptoms can lead to under performance.
Proper risk management ensures your workforce is an asset and not a liability. Without question, a stable, dedicated, motivated and well trained workforce is behind every corporate success and every business owner/manager�s perfect world.
To learn more about Human Resources Risk Management, we encourage you to attend our seminar entitled, “Employees, Asset or Liability?”
TOPIC: Your Employees, Asset or Liability?
Human Resources Risk management recognizes human capital as both. Effectively managed HR business solutions preserve these assets and minimize their liabilities. These outcomes will have a positive impact on your bottom line.
Human Resources Risk Management Benefits
Improved productivity
Enhanced employee morale
Better employee retention and attraction
Minimized potential for fines and penalties
Minimized potential for employment practices liability lawsuits
Cost effective allocation of supporting corporate resources
The Topics and Guest Speakers:
Today�s Best HR Practices and Common Mistakes
Michael Salveta, CHRP
Managing Partner Pivotal Managed HR Solutions -
Employment Contracts: Do�s and Don�ts
Daniel Condon B.A. (Hons.), M.A., LL.B
Partner, Wilson Vukelich, LLP Barristers & Solicitors -
IT Resources: Employee Use and Protection of Information
Chris Venn, President
Inventive Networks Inc.
Date: May 10, 2006
Time: 7:30 am � 10:30 am
Breakfast to be provided
Place: Sheraton Parkway
Toronto North (Leslie & Hwy #7, N/E Corner)
600 Highway 7 East
Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1B2
Thornhill Room -
R.S.V.P. April 26, 2006
Anna Colandrea
Tel 905-707-5141 ext.1201
Email [email protected]
Insurers Financial Group
The Insurers Financial Group (IFG) was founded on four core values � integrity, respect, innovation and action � and they have served us well. A large part of our success can be attributed to our continuing commitment to client satisfaction. Whether it�s as simple as insuring your home and automobile, or as complicated as specialized business insurance, or estate planning, we have the experience and expertise to customize a program to meet your needs. We’re proud to be building IFG on solid foundations. See for yourself what we have to offer. Check out our web site at