ICLR’s Friday Forum: Project OPPortunity on Friday march 24, 2006

The Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction (ICLR) is pleased to invite you to participate in a workshop with Staff Sergeant Robert Cousineau of the Ontario Provincial Police.

On September 3, 1999, a horrific crash took place on the 401 near Windsor when heavy fog suddenly blanketed the busy highway. One of the recommendations following the incident has resulted in OPP Provincial Communications Centres (PCC) establishing active communications with Environment Canada. Project OPPortunity allows PCC staff to report severe weather and/or atmospheric conditions in real time to the Environment Canada Severe Weather Office based on field reports.

Staff Sergeant Robert Cousineau is a 23-year veteran of the Ontario Provincial Police. He is based in London, Ontario and oversees Centralized Communications for a large portion of Southern Ontario. In 2003, Bob began promoting the implementation of Project OPPortunity within the Ontario Provincial Police Communications Centres. All O.P.P. Provincial Communication Centres in Ontario are now participating in this worthwhile endeavor.

  • When: Friday, March 24, 2006 from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

  • Where: Insurance Bureau of Canada, 151 Yonge Street, 18th floor boardroom, Toronto.

  • RSVP: Tracy Waddington (416) 364-8677 ([email protected] ).

Friday Forum

ICLR seeks to strengthen the insurance community�s awareness of the risks associated with natural hazards. Each month we will host an informal discussion of current research and industry issues related to natural hazards. Attendance will be limited to ensure that participants can directly contribute to the discussion. The cost is $75 ($150 for non-members, if space permits) for each forum. Business casual dress.

Future topics include: Waterloo, Emergency Measures; Peterborough flood; Risk and Emergency Management; Landslide

About ICLR

ICLR is a research institute. Established by Canada’s property and casualty insurers, we are working to reduce disaster losses. The Institute is internationally recognized for our leadership in multi-disciplinary disaster prevention research. Quality research provides the foundation for better public policy and disaster management. We use research findings to help you better understand the hazards that you are vulnerable to, and identify simply steps you can take to better protect your family and your home. For more informaiton, visit http://www.iclr.org/.