CompuOffice Announces QuotesOnTap™ for PDA’s

TORONTO, ON – February 27, 2006: CompuOffice Software Inc. – a leader in the design and production of independent multiple company life insurance quotation, comparison and information software – has introduced QuotesOnTap™. QuotesOnTap™ is the most advanced and most comprehensive independent multiple company life insurance quotation and comparison software for use on PDA devices such as those using the Palm os and Windows CE platforms.

QuotesOnTap™ is installed and updated simply and conveniently through the PDA device�s own synchronization facilities. The initial release of QuotesOnTap™ for Canada includes the the full range of Term, T100 and Whole Life products, as well as Minimum Level Premium, T100 COI based, UL products for �life pay�, �20 pay� and �10 pay�. The initial release of QuotesOnTap™ for the US includes the full range of term products along with facilities for quoting and comparing the �guaranteed no lapse� UL products. Features and benefits of QuotesOnTap include:

  • the widest array of products;

  • quotes, comparisons and surveys in all premium payment modes;

  • state or provincial coding to accurately reflect the products that are available in the chosen state or province;

  • the Ascertain™ functions, providing for accurate determination of tobacco use status, taking into account any present or past tobacco or related substance use/consumption;

  • direct and incremental Face Amount input/change;

  • quotes, comparisons and surveys produced in ascending premium order and in ascending alphabetical order by carrier name;

  • initial AND renewal premiums;

  • narrative quote synopsis;

  • attractive and convenient input and output screen displays;

  • automated, convenient and easy installation and updates
    �and more

The Canadian version of the PDA software, QuotesOnTap™, is included free of charge for the benefit of all subscribers to the LifeGuide® Professional Software. Likewise, the US version of this most advanced PDA software is included free of charge for the benefit of all subscribers to the CompeteUS� software.

Ami Maishlish, VP-Insurance & Financial Software said: �In my view, PDA software for quotation and comparison of life insurance products needs to be as advanced and capable as possible within the limitations of screen sizes and memory capacity of PDA devices. Insurance quotation and comparison software, including such software for use on PDA devices must have both convenience and functionality. QuotesOnTap™ was designed and is produced with these objectives in mind and with a focus on the best interests of the insurance buying consumer. QuotesOnTap™ is already the most advanced software of this nature and is also the easiest and most convenient to install, use and update. We are now moving forward to add even more features and facilities to the PDA life insurance software, QuotesOnTap™. Thousands of consumer minded agents and brokers who subscribe to LifeGuide® or CompeteUS already enjoy notable service and competitive advantages. QuotesOnTap™ will further enhance this service and competitive advantage that is enjoyed by LifeGuide® and CompeteUS™ subscribers.”

“Most importantly”, added Mr. Maishlish, “the new QuotesOnTap™ software will serve as an additional professional tool for the benefit consumers and consumerism.”

Custom versions of QuotesOnTap™ will also be available to MGA offices and insurers who sponsor LifeGuide® or CompeteUS™ to their insurance advisors.

CompuOffice Software Inc.

Advanced and comprehensive life insurance comparison, research, information and quotation software packages for agents, brokers, financial advisors, distribution organizations and insurers. CompuOffice Software Inc. is a widely recognized leader in the design and production of professional software for the financial services sector.