Momentum” – CLIEDIS’ Eighth Annual Seminar

This year the seminar will occur on Wednesday May 3, 2006 at the Ontario Bar Association Conference Centre in Toronto Ontario

The use of standards in the Canadian life insurance industry is gaining momentum as efforts within the industry over the past few years are finally reaping results for companies. For our 2006 annual seminar, we will be examining:

  • The results of a CLIEDIS commissioned study on trends in the use of
    the ACORD XML for Life data standards. The report shows a real momentum
    towards the use of standards in the industry. Byren Innes, Senior Vice
    President and Director at NewLink will discuss the results.

  • FundSERV’s VP Customer Relations, Stuart Reynolds will speak about
    how FundSERV played a primary role in the mutual fund industry ensuring the
    widespread use of standards and what lessons the insurance industry can
    learn from their experiences.

  • CITS (Canadian Insurance Transaction Standardization) is creating
    energy within the industry that has never been seen before. The drive to
    use ACORD XML for Life to communicate with business partners began in 2005
    and is gaining momentum with new initiatives continuing this year. Hear
    how CLIEDIS provided the driving force to get this project done and is
    providing leadership for future initiatives.

Developing systems and communicating with business partners using standards is a strategic business decision that makes sense and dollars. This seminar is a must for senior executives who recognize the need to respond quickly to today’s business demands and how this momentum will affect your decisions in 2006 and beyond.

Meet vendor members who are implementing solutions with the ACORD XML for Life data standard. Take the opportunity to network with other professionals in the Canadian financial services industry over breakfast and lunch.

The first attendee from each CLIEDIS member attends free; additional attendees attend for $75. All others are welcome to attend for $150. Register at the CLIEDIS website, Space is limited, so register early.
