FSCO’s New Website Makes It Easier to Get the Facts

TORONTO (August 31, 2005) – The Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) today launched its redesigned website at www.fsco.gov.on.ca. The improved website makes it easier for consumers to get the facts about auto insurance, insurance, pensions and other financial services.

“This initiative supports FSCO’s commitment to increase and enhance the delivery of services and information electronically,” said Cheryl Cottle, CEO and Superintendent of Financial Services (Acting). “The new website allows for easier access to the information members of the public need to make decisions about financial services matters.”

The redesign of the website is based on extensive research and analysis. A range of stakeholders including consumers, members of the regulated sectors, and other regulators were consulted for advice on functionality and tools. FSCO also analysed use of its website by stakeholders to guide layout and navigation features.

FSCO is an agency of the Ontario Ministry of Finance and regulates insurance, pensions, credit unions, caisses populaires, cooperatives, mortgage brokers, and loan and trust companies.