Transamerica Life Canada’s Drive For Life Golf Tournament Tees Off August 30th

Tragically Hip founder Gord Downie to give live solo performance at Eagle’s Nest

TORONTO, Aug. 26, 2005 – A major charitable commitment is driving Transamerica Life Canada’s annual Drive For Life Golf Tournament. The tournament, which will feature an intimate live performance by Juno award-winning singer Gord Downie, will be held Tuesday, August 30th at the Eagle’s Nest Golf Club in Maple, Ontario. Now in its ninth year, the
event has already raised over $2 million for Canadian charitable organizations.

Transamerica will host 136 invited guests as they tee off at 10am in an effort to raise an additional $300,000 for the Children’s Aid Foundation and The Jean Tweed Centre. The funds will go towards a Post-Secondary Education Endowment Fund, a new play area, and other programs to help children and at-risk mothers create a brighter future together.

“Children who suffer abuse and neglect, and women who struggle with addiction and substance abuse are among the most vulnerable members of society. We’re delighted that every dollar raised through Drive For Life will go directly towards helping make a positive difference in their lives,” said David Boone, Vice President of Marketing and Corporate Services at Transamerica Life Canada.

“Transamerica is proud to be designated an Imagine Caring Company because of our long-term commitment to donating one per cent of annual pre-tax profits through our charitable giving program, in the spirit of hope,” he added.

Previous Drive For Life tournaments have featured such prominent personalities as comedian Leslie Neilson, and Olympic speed-skating gold medalist Catriona LeMay Doan. “This year, we’re honoured to have one of Canada’s top musical talents lending support to our event,” said Boone. “Mr. Downie will help us show others that it’s possible to have a lot of fun, while also doing something valuable for the people of our community.”

Photo opportunity:

Photographers and media representatives are invited to Eagle’s Nest Golf Club on August 30, 2005. The event begins at 10am and Gord Downie is scheduled to perform at 7:30pm, following dinner.

About Transamerica Life Canada

Transamerica Life Canada is a member of the AEGON Group, one of the world’s largest insurers. AEGON N.V. and Transamerica Life Canada have consistently received strong financial ratings from Standard & Poor’s and A.M. Best Company. In 2004, Transamerica Life Canada had more than $600 million in gross life insurance premium and recorded almost $9 billion in total assets under management.

As an Imagine Caring Company, Transamerica Life Canada donates one per cent of annual pre-tax profits to in the spirit of hope, our charitable giving program, which in the last seven years raised more than $5.6 million for worthy charities in the communities in which we do business. Visiter our site at

About The Children’s Aid Foundation

The Children’s Aid Foundation, a national organization, is committed to improving the lives of abused and neglected children through Education, Enrichment and Prevention. Visit

About The Jean Tweed Centre

The Jean Tweed Centre is a caring and innovative centre that addresses the treatment needs of women with substance use and gambling concerns and their families. Providing specialized services to more than 1500 women, The Jean Tweed Centre is the largest such centre in Ontario. Visit