The Top 10 Qualities an interviewer is looking for in a candidate: by Harvey Blake

All employers are looking for certain characteristics from a job candidate. Keeping the following in mind when answering interview questions will certainly promote your chances of a successful outcome.

  1. Drive —- Demonstrate that you are goal�oriented ,enthusiastic ,and willing to put in the extra effort to be a superstar employee.

  2. Communication skills —- Demonstrate you can talk and write effectively.

  3. Listening Skills —- Demonstrate that you are a good listener.

  4. Thinking Skills —- Demonstrate that you can analyze the source of problems, and the pros and cons of the possible solutions .

  5. Efficiency —- make the possible employer realize that you understand that the bottom line is essential for the health of the company.

  6. Achievements —-bring these to the front �something that stands out.

  7. Effectiveness —- show you know how to make a difference.

  8. Confidence —- demonstrate that you are good at what you do in a careful manner without being arrogant and big �headed.

  9. Integrity —- let the interviewer know that you take responsibility for your actions , and that you are scrupulously honest.

  10. Profit-minded —- demonstrate your understanding that a corporation
    exists to make a profit and that you believe that given the opportunity
    your qualities and experience can result in a improved bottom line .

Harvey Blake – Quality Choice Consultants. The Insurance placement specialist with over 18 years experience in matching the people to positions. Many of these positions are never advertised. Our Clients are many of the top insurance brokerages and companies, as well as risk managers. Visit us at