Toronto ON 9 June 2005 – is pleased to announce that on June 21, 2005 we and Ontario Blue CrossT will be giving a seminar on Ontario Blue Cross’ new small group and individual insurance product , ‘Blue Vision’.
Blue Vision from Blue Cross is both a group and an individual product. Its extreme flexibility allows you to customize the plan to your client’s exact needs and close with clients who might otherwise not purchase. It also offers you healthy compensation both first year and renewals.
Renewals are easy (done by Blue Cross), which allows you to focus on growing your block of business.
Consider offering Blue Vision group to your existing group clients, and watch your revenue grow and grow. Do the math on converting your group block! For example, for 10 groups at $1,000 monthly premium each group rates typically pay you 7-10%, or approximately $12,000 annually for you. With Blue Vision, for 10 groups at $800 a month premium the commission works out to $24,000 annually for you.
The “LEARN and EARN” seminar also lets you earn 2.5 CE credits for the seminar. Learn about Blue Vision, earn CE credits and attractive commissions.
The seminar is free, however, seating is limited . Please contact us at 416-746-0667, or email us at [email protected].
For information about our Broker Affiliate program see our web site.