Financial Data – Property and Casualty Insurance Companies: OSFI

15 March 2005, Ottawa — The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Services has now posted financial data reported at the end of the fourth quarter for the entire calendar year, for federally registered P&C Companies. The data is shown as reported, without comment or analysis.

Disclaimer: Financial information for federally registered financial institutions published on OSFI’s Web site is taken from regulatory returns filed by the institutions with OSFI. OSFI does not make any warranty, express or implied, or assume any legal responsibility for the accuracy, correctness or completeness of any information that is available through this Web site.

(For fourth quarter only, Reinsurers file data 45 days after other insurers, so their data is published later.)

The data can be seen from this page.

Notes: Quite a lot of data is shown for each company. The data is in seven different groupings including Assets, Liabilities and Equity, Statement of Income, etc. Different registered companies within an operating group are shown individually, without aggregation. A total, of each data element, is shown for all companies. The totals for all companies would represent a significant percentage of the Canadian P&C business.

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