Saskatchewan to introduce Graduated Driver’s Licensing program

March 7, 2005 — Effective September 1, 2005, SGI, which operates Saskatchewan’s compulsory auto insurance program, is introducing a Graduated Driver’s Licensing program for all new drivers in the province.

Graduated Driver’s Licensing is a staged introduction of new drivers into the driving environment. Drivers will gradually move into higher-risk driving situations after gaining experience in lower-risk situations. The program replaces the current Probationary Drivers Program, which provides new drivers with full driving privileges and takes action only after they are involved in collisions or convictions.

Graduated Licence programs work to save lives and prevent injuries among new drivers. SGI is following the lead of other provinces and is relying on their experiences to make our program that much more effective.

Steps in the Graduated Driver’s Licensing program

  1. Obtain a Learner’s licence by passing a written exam that tests knowledge of the rules of the road.

  2. Complete the required high-school driver training education or commercial training (six hours in-class and six hours in-car). The learning driver will then practice driving for nine months with a supervising driver under the following restrictions:

    Number of passengers limited to the number of seat belts in the vehicle

    • Passengers must be immediate family members between the hours of midnight and 5 a.m.

    • Must have a supervising driver who sits in the front passenger seat

    • Supervising driver must be an experienced licensed driver

    • Cannot consume any amount of alcohol and then drive (zero BAC)

    • Cannot be a supervising driver

    • Cannot obtain a commercial driver licence

  3. Pass a road test of driving skills to obtain a Novice 1 licence. The driver must be at least 16 years old.

  4. Practice driving as a Novice 1 driver for six months under the following restrictions:

    • One passenger only who is not an immediate family member; and

    • Other passengers must be immediate family members and are limited to the number of seat belts

    • Cannot consume any amount of alcohol and then drive (zero BAC)

    • Cannot be a supervising driver

    • Cannot obtain a commercial driver licence

  5. Obtain a Novice 2 licence for 12 months under the following restrictions:

    • Passengers limited to number of seat belts

    • Cannot consume any amount of alcohol and then drive (zero BAC)

    • Cannot be a supervising driver

    • Cannot obtain a commercial driver licence

    The 12 months must be at-fault collision-, conviction-, and suspension-free. In the event of an accident, the Novice 2 driver will be required to restart the 12-month incident-free period again, and will be placed in the Graduated Driver Licensing Improvement Program.

  6. Graduation to an experienced Class 5 driver’s licence.

For more information about the Graduated Driver’s Licensing program, call SGI toll-free at 1-800-667-9868, or visit the SGI Web site at