What is the International Advisory Group and what does it do: OSFI

January, 2005 – In 2001, the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, Canada (OSFI) created the International Advisory Group (IAG) to assist selected emerging market economies in enhancing their supervisory systems. Our commitment represents a practical and effective means of contributing to international financial stability.

IAG provides technical assistance (at no cost), primarily to supervisors in the Caribbean, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe in the areas of bank and insurance company supervision and regulation. The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) provides funding for IAG, however, for jurisdictions that do not qualify for CIDA assistance, IAG operates on a non-profit (cost-recovery) fee for service basis. We would invite you to contact us should you have a question on eligibility.

IAG conducts needs assessments and provides hands-on technical advice, training, workshops and seminars. IAG programs are tailored to the needs and requirements of the “client”. Where possible, programs are delivered on a regional basis, in partnership with other technical assistance organizations, such as: Financial Stability Institute (FSI); Toronto International Leadership Centre for Financial Sector Supervision (Toronto Centre); International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS); Caribbean Regional Technical Assistance Centre (CARTAC); South East Asian Central Banks Research and Training Centre (SEACEN); and Association of Supervisors of Banks of the Americas (ASBA). IAG also works with a number of regional associations and groups in the design and delivery of technical assistance program for their member regulators.


IAG has developed and offers “in-house” programs that allow foreign bank and insurance company supervisors from all jurisdictions the opportunity to visit and learn at OSFI. This program was originally developed in conjunction with the Toronto Centre and is offered at OSFI’s head office in Ottawa, Canada. The program is provided at no cost to all international regulators.

The following is a schedule of 2005’s In-House seminars:

Banking – 9-13 May 2005
Insurance 13-17 June 2005

For more information or to complete a registration form, please visit our website: www.osfi-bsif.gc.ca

In addition to our ‘in-house’ programs and hosting foreign supervisors for short periods, IAG offers a variety of regional training and technical assistance in various locations outside of Canada which extend beyond the typical classroom setting and encompasses all facets of regulation and supervision. The training is developed according to the needs of the specific jurisdiction with IAG providing hands on technical advice, consulting services and follow-up at no cost.

IAG is staffed by individuals with extensive experience in banking and insurance company supervision gained at OSFI and with other regulatory authorities. IAG is also keenly aware of global supervisory standards having partnered with various standard setters and participated as Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) expert assessors. The major benefit of our technical assistance is that it is provided by actual supervisors who work with, and are well versed in, “today’s” techniques and methodologies.

International Advisory Group (IAG)
255 Albert Street
Ottawa, Ontario
Phone: (613) 990-3482
Fax: (613) 990-6904
Email [email protected]