Pack Out Inventory (POI) Solution for Contents Claims

November 2004 (Toronto ON) — Contents claims are the hardest claims to settle quickly, fairly and to the satisfaction of the insured. First General Services Canada has introduced Pack Out Inventory (POI) program, a new contents management program that can solve potential problems and minimize possible disputes over missing or damaged items. This program uses state-of-the-art software encompassing a barcode system providing adjusters and policyholders with:

  • Accurate onsite listing of repairable and non-repairable items

  • Faster and more cost-effective contents locating processes

  • A completely integrated system with scope, costing and photo inventory

  • Web search capability for contents replacement cost

With POI, our contents inventory specialists are able to help adjusters manage contents claims more quickly and cost-effectivley. The following is a summary of what we have achieved with the POI program.

  No. of Items No. of Staff Total Time to List
Claim # 1 1847 3 2.5 days
Claim # 2 2200 3 3 days
Claim # 3 3591 4 4 days

For a free seminar on our POI program or information on the availability of this program in your area, please contact Nancy Dai at (416) 736-0395 ext. 33 or by e-mail:
[email protected]