IBC’s 4th annual Regulatory Affairs Symposium

Toronto Sheraton Centre Hotel

Thursday, November 4, 2004 8:45 am – 1:30 pm (luncheon included)

Discussion on the development of a framework for risk-based market conduct – panel includes ING CEO Claude Dussault (moderator), AVIVA CEO Igal Mayer, FSCO Superintendent Bryan Davies, Lawrie Savage, Lawries Savage and Associates Inc.

Discussion on privacy Including:
George Bass, VP and General Counsel, Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company (moderator) Heather Black, Assistant Privacy Commissioner of Canada, John P. Beardwood of Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP, Vivian Bercovici, VP, Legal and Public Affairs & Corporate Secretary, Dominion of Canada General Insurance Company, and Norman Groot of McCague, Peacock, Borlack, McInnis & Lloyd LLP.

Luncheon speaker:
The Hon. W David Angus, member of the Senate of Canada Standing Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce, will discuss “Lessons from Enron, Four Years Later.”

Registration information and forms at www.ibc.ca – under What’s New, then Events.