October Issue of ci -Canadian Insurance magazine: Specialty Focus on Prize Indemnity Insurance

(Toronto, ON) 25 October 2004 – ci -Canadian Insurance magazine�s latest issue is on the street, with Specialty focus on Prize Indemnity insurance. If you are not already a subscriber please visit www.cdnins.com to sign up and experience our award-winning editorial firsthand.

This month�s issue also features:

In Tune With the Future
we speak with David Hare as he steps into IBAO’s top spot.
An Uncertain World
Managing political risk. An article contributed by Alison Ramsay from AIG Trade Credit & Political Risk Insurance Company.
The ‘Policy’ That Can Affect Your Policy
Recent decisions by the U.S. courts in the context of directors’ and officers’ insurance have suggested that public policy concerns are having an impact on the insureds and insurers alike. By Jordan Solway, Chubb Insurance Company of Canada.
Creating a Culture of Profitability
Brokers need to learn to become proactive, not reactive. By Brenda French of The French Group.
The Lonely Broker Syndrome
Smart brokers have always organized themselves into self-help groups. By Bruce Rabik of Rogers Insurance, John Garner and Eric Walker of Cookson Walker Consulting Group

For subscription information or more information on Canadian Insurance magazine, please visit http://www.cdnins.com/mag/main.htm

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