Conning Research: Conditions Create Potential Hard Market for Life Reinsurance in 2004

(Hartford, CT) September 13, 2004 – Primary life insurers may be facing a pricing and capacity crunch this year as they seek reinsurance in a market controlled by fewer players in 2004, according to a new study by Conning Research and Consulting, Inc.

“Significant consolidation in life reinsurance over the past few years has limited the number of suppliers and contributed to capital constraints,” said George McKeon, analyst at Conning Research. “In addition, reinsurers have established themselves as a major facilitator of growth in the new term life business of primary insurers, and the life industry has become quite dependent on their support.”

The Conning Research study, “Life Reinsurance: Capacity and Other Challenges,” identifies the professional reinsurers, looks at the structure of the reinsurance industry and its competitive landscape and financial results over the past few years, and compares it to the life industry as a whole.

“Our study found that the professional reinsurance market has grown dramatically while the number of actual reinsurers with any significant share has shrunk,” said Stephan Christiansen, director of research at Conning Research.. “In fact, between 1994 and 2003, new recurring reinsurance grew by almost 400%, while the number of life reinsurers with share greater than 2% dropped from 16 to 10.”

“Life Reinsurance: Capacity and other Challenges” is available for purchase from Conning Research & Consulting, Inc., by calling (888) 707-1177 or by visiting the company’s Web site at

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The Conning name has represented excellence in independent insurance industry research for more than 90 years. As a result of its wealth of experience and intimate knowledge of the insurance industry, Conning understands industry challenges and opportunities and can provide in-depth insights and analyses. Conning provides both public and proprietary research as well as consulting services to the financial services industry. Conning has offices in New York and Hartford.