September issue of ci Canadian Insurance magazine features Brenda French on Brokers and Insurers Rebuilding Bridges

The September issue is in, here is what you are missing�

Rebuilding Bridges – By Brenda French
As the hard market gives way, brokers and insurers must learn some lessons from what has transpired over the past couple of years and work together to fix strained relationships.
Seeking the ‘Bounce’
By Daryl-Lynn Carlson
The p&c industry calendar is chock-a-block with trade shows and conventions. How can exhibitors get the best bang for their buck?
Damage Control
By Paul MacDonald
To err is human, to prevent is possible.
A Breed Apart
By Sally Praskey
Incoming IBAC president Keith Wilson wants to improve the image of independent brokers and clearly distinguish them from the competition.
Fraud Alert
By Eric Walker and Paul Greenhow
Brokerages must safeguard against internal theft.
The Duty To Defend
By Keith Batton
Although the general principles of the duty to defend are well established, courts, insureds and insurers alike continue to struggle with specific circumstances that can arise in any given case.
Wave of the Future?
By Stephen P. Sweeting
Canada needs to develop industry-standard appraisals of fine art and antiques.
Complaint Resolution = Consumer Confidence
By George Anderson
The General Insurance Ombudservice is proving to be an industry success story.
Covering the Bases
By Sean L. Gosnell
Business Interruption Insurance is gaining ground.
Complaint Resolution = Consumer Confidence
By Daryl-Lynn Carlson
Dragon boat racing is all the rage for companies looking to boost their image and morale.

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