Advanced Education for Insurance Advisors

Canadian Institute of Financial Planners Conference
Ottawa, June 13 � 16, 2004

Life agents will have over 25 different sessions to chose from including advanced presentations on Estate Planning, Wealth Management, Practice Development, Tax Planning and Risk Management.

Earn up to 20 CFP Technical CE credits, IDA CE credits and up to 12 Life CE credits.

Presenters include skilled presenters and renowned experts such as Jim Bird (speaking twice), Kevin Wark and James Britton.

Registration includes Welcome Reception and Dinner, entertainment, full educational program, meals and all conference materials.

For a program overview, registration information and a detailed agenda, visit

Register online or download form at

About Canadian Institute of Financial Planners

The CIFPs is an association of Canadian CFP™ licensees. The association is an independent, effective, and powerful, CFP-focused advocate for the CFP™ certification marks and the financial planning profession in Canada.

Membership is open to all Canadian CFP™ Licensees, Associates who have completed their pre-license educational requirements and Students who are currently enrolled in a qualified CFP™ educational program, and concerned investors.

CIFPs will advocate on behalf of its members and the CFP™ certification marks with regulators and the public. We won’t let them forget that “CFP™” represents the highest standard for financial planners – here at home, and abroad.

For more information about CIFPs, visit