CSA Course coming to Toronto and Ottawa

To-day, because of the rapid growth of Canada’s Senior population, there is a need for a specialized training and designation program that prepares our financial and insurance professionals and seniors sector providers to understand the needs (Social, Health & Financial) of their Senior and Boomer clients.

The CSA course is a comprehensive program spanning 3 days of intensive training (22 modules presented by an esteemed faculty) and an exam on the 4th day. Over 15,000 CSA’s have enrolled in this program throughout the USA and Canada. This course provides the professional with the knowledge, to not only understand Canadian specific social, health and financial needs of Boomers and Seniors but also provides the communication skills to ensure a growing relationship with existing and referred clients.

“After nearly 20 years working in the “seniors’ market” I was amazed by how much I learned from the CSA course. This may prove to be the most practical course I have taken, to help me provide the best level of service possible for my senior clients.” Ken McNaughton CFP, CLU, CH.F.C., RHU, CSA, Zlotnik, Lamb, & Co.

The Canadian Academy of Seniors Advisors offers the following CSA® class:

April 28 – May 1, 2004 in Toronto
Delta Toronto Airport West
May 5 – 8, in Ottawa
Chimo Hotel

The Certified Senior Advisor (CSA)® course is approved for 30 CE Credits in Ontario and is recognized by over 130 major corporations in North America, and Associations such as Advocis and MDRT. The CSA member is exclusively supported by monthly publications and marketing tools to ensure their continued knowledge and success.

The ‘Live’ class tuition fees are $1,095 + GST. As this is our first class in Ottawa, there is a reduced tuition for early registrants for the Ottawa class.

An instalment plan is available and additionally a correspondence course is offered to advisors who are unable to attend the ‘live’ class.

Please visit www.CertifiedSeniorAdvisors.ca to register online and for further information. To discuss the course or the designation please contact Sandy at the CSA Canadian office at 877-272-9066. We recommend that you register as soon as possible as the course requires some reading and pre-study.