Eastbridge to Study Impact of Rising Benefit Costs on Employees

AVON, CONNECTICUT, USA (March 9, 2004)�We hear about it every day�the rising cost of employee benefits, especially medical coverage. And employers are trying all kinds of means for controlling these costs: increasing employee contributions, changing plan designs, moving to voluntary (employee-pay-all) plans, and others. But where do employees fit in this picture? What are they doing to cope? What impact is the situation having on their purchase of insurance-especially voluntary products?

Eastbridge Consulting Group’s newest spotlight report, The Rising Costs of Employee Benefits: The Employee Perspective, uncovers the answers to these and many other questions. The report gathered input from 400 employees nationwide. Specifically, the participants were asked:

  • How they cope with these rising medical costs
  • What impact these increased costs have on their purchase of other insurance
  • To describe recent changes in their medical plans including higher contributions levels or changes to the plan itself
  • If they “segment” their insurance purchases in terms of what they can afford (or if it is primarily a “total cost” decision)
  • How much they are willing to spend for each insurance product-and/or all of their benefits
  • Their opinions on moving to a defined contribution approach to benefits
  • How important choice is to them when it comes to their employer’s benefits plan

For more information visit www.eastbridge.com