4 February 2004
According to a report from Sprint and Covad Communications, 66% of small businesses in the US have broadband Internet connectivity.
The report, entitled �Users of Telecommunication at Work,� indicates that the vast majority of small businesses think that broadband has changed the way their company does business. Specifically, 65.9% think broadband has helped workplace efficiency and 53.3% think it has improved productivity. A notable 22.3% say broadband has allowed their customers to order their products online.
Sprint and Covad commissioned Equation Research to survey 479 small business decision-makers between 13 November and 1 December 2003 and also gained insight on what keeps small businesses with their Internet service provider. The survey determined that just over 70% say they would change or consider changing their service provider if a lower price was offered elsewhere while 43.4% would do the same for faster Net access.
Over one-half of the Sprint/Covad survey respondents worked for companies with between one and five employees, while another 14.4% were at companies with between six and 10 employees and 11.1% were at companies with between 25 and 50 employees.
For an idea of how small businesses� opinions of broadband has changed since 2002, if at all, Yankee Group reported in April 2003 that over 50% of very small, small and medium-size companies were happy that broadband had improved their communication with customers. Other benefits of broadband cited by at least 33% of each size business included reducing travel expenses, shipping expenses and the ability to compete with bigger companies.
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