International Association of Marine Investigators Training Seminar in Toronto

Join us for our IAMI Outreach Training Seminar. A must for law enforcement; marine insurance underwriters; claims and special investigators; marine surveyors; and all other entities involved in the handling of marine theft and fraud issues.

Toronto, Ontario, Canada
February 2-3, 2004

Topics will include:

  • IAMI Basic Marine Investigators Training Course w/ IAMI Training Manual
  • Identifying HIN’s and Engine and Motor Serial Numbers
  • Case Investigations Study
    • Marine Evidence Collection
    • Insurance Fraud
  • Marine Fire Investigation Techniques
    • Information on CPIC/Sources of Identifying Stolen Items
    • Marine Accident Reconstruction

Location: Travelodge Hotel Dixon Road, (Toronto Airport)

When: February 2 (8:30 � 5 pm) / Social � (5:30 �8:30 pm) / Tues. Feb. 3 (8:30 � 12 pm)
(Registration 7:30 � 8:30 am Monday Feb. 2 outside seminar room)

Cost: $225.00 Cdn. ($170.00 US) for both days $150.00 ($115.00 US) for one day – to be received by Jan. 15, 2004 (Extra $50.00 Cdn charged for late registration)

Space is limited to 90 persons so get you application in early

To register for the seminar, get the registration form at

For latest speakers schedule update check our IAMI Website: