Langdon and Economical Insurance Announce Amalgamation

January, 2004 – Langdon Insurance Company is amalgamating with Economical Mutual Insurance Company. The amalgamation will be retroactive to January 1, 2004 and is subject to regulatory approval.

“During the last two years, we’ve been streamlining the commercial insurance products of The Economical Insurance Group,” said Bill Lowe, Vice President of Commercial Insurance.

“While the commercial products of Langdon and Economical originally varied, the product lines drew closer together as Economical expanded its presence as a commercial insurer. To simplify our operations for our independent broker partners and policyholders, we are amalgamating the companies to market our commercial products under the Economical Insurance name.”

In late 2003, The Group finalized the establishment of its Commercial Centre in Toronto. This Centre handles most of the mid-market and complex commercial insurance business Langdon originally handled.

Staffing will not be impacted by the amalgamation, as Langdon staff have already been integrated with The Group’s other commercial insurance operations, such as the Commercial Centre.

The Economical Insurance Group purchased Langdon Insurance, previously known as Hartford Insurance Company of Canada, in 2001. Langdon wrote commercial insurance risks across Canada from its Toronto office.

The Economical Insurance Group

Langdon and the Economical Insurance are member companies of The Economical Insurance Group, Canadian owned and one of the largest property and casualty insurance companies in Canada.