Canadian Academy of Senior Advisors Completes First Certified Senior Advisor (CSA) Class

Vancouver, December 16, 2003 — The Canadian Academy of Senior Advisors, headquartered in Vancouver, BC today announced the successful completion of the first Certified Senior Advisor (CSA�) class in Canada in Vancouver December 10-13th.

Canadian professionals from the financial service sector (insurance and financial advisors), health and real estate industry join the over 15,000 professionals in the USA who have also earned the CSA designation. This designation is acknowledged by Advocis and CFP for CE credits in Canada, and recognized by MDRT and 130 corporations and associations in North America.

The training over a 3� day course provides intensive training in the areas of Health, Financial and Social for all professionals who are serving the rapidly growing Boomer and Senior markets. Of the over 4,000 CSAs surveyed last year in the US by an independent firm, the respondents revealed that their business increased by 10-50%.

A participant in the Vancouver course comments as follows:

After nearly 20 years working in the “seniors’ market” I was amazed by how much I learned from the CSA course. This may prove to be the most practical course I have taken, to help me provide the best level of service possible for my senior clients. Ken McNaughton CFP, CLU, CH.F.C., RHU

Bottom line results will be substantially enhanced by financial advisors attending the next class in Toronto January 14-17 with an additional class to be held because of demand in Ottawa January 19-22.

Details are available by calling the Canadian Academy of Senior Advisors at 877-272-9066 or by visiting

Canadian Academy of Senior Advisors Inc. is the Canadian Licensee for the International Society of Certified Senior Advisors. It offers education programs leading to designation and certification as “Certified Senior Advisor” (CSA).