Accident Support Services Provides Electronic Collision Reporting

September 2003, Toronto ON — Accident Support Services International Ltd. announces the arrival of our web based Collision Reporting and Occurrence Management System, affectionately known to us as CROMS!

CROMS has been live in our Toronto and Hamilton Collision Reporting Centres since June 1, 2003. We are converting all of our offices to this technology, and we implement it immediately in any new office we open.

The Paperless Reporting System is Here!!

CROMS revolutionizes the collision reporting process for our member insurers with the ability to capture the entire police report electronically, combining electronic card swipe technology for drivers licence decoding, scanning of supplementary documents and the police reports, as well as the data entry of the police report fields. This also provides an extremely rich database for future searches of vehicles, drivers, passengers and vehicle history.

Immediate Up-Front Matching of Parties to the Accident!!

With CROMS, we first do a Third Party Match search. As soon as the file is completed, CROMS will automatically send you your insured’s package of information, and any Third Party who has reported. Other parties to an accident reporting to the police after your insured has reported are automatically sent to you by CROMS as soon as their file is complete!

Who Photographs Every Vehicle in the Collision?? We Do!!

Rarely do insurers ever photograph the damage to the Third Party vehicle, thereby loosing valuable visual evidence. The Third Party photos, when compared to your insured’s vehicle photos, can identify possible staged accidents or creative damage, thus enabling your investigators to act immediately to determine the veracity of the claim. We will send you the digital photographs with each reporting service package.

Our Package delivery is now available by Email, Fax from the Desk Top, or an XML feed right to your system!!

That’s right, digital pictures live and in color right on your desktop, along with the scanned documents that are primarily typed, with written statements and diagrams as recommended by your fraud investigators. Emails or high quality readable faxes enable your adjusters to clear the file immediately and focus on customer service. When your other investigators or Bodily Injury adjusters need to view the file, it can be shared electronically.

Many Insurers Often Use Our Reporting Packages as Their First Notice of Loss, Saving Days and Dollars in the process!!

Claims do not get better with age. The speed with which CROMS allows us to deliver the product gives your adjuster the lead time they need to control lag time, car rental expenses, storage charges, repair costs, and insure that your customer has a chance to use your claims programs to enhance their service experience before they are side tracked by third parties with vested interests of their own.

Better Yet, Use Our Free Telephone Service, or Take Advantage of Our In House Adjuster Opportunity!

We provide our member insurers’ policyholders the opportunity to use our free telephones to contact your claims department right after the police report has been completed, often within only hours of the accident actually occurring. Some insurers have installed their own telephones linking the CRCs directly to their claims department, raising customer service levels and providing claims control opportunities from the earliest moment possible. Some insurers have placed their own physical damage or AB adjusters right in our centres, giving them the maximum program benefits.

Insurers use our XML feeds making us their front-end data collector and eliminating internal expense!!

We have mapped CROMS to industry standard XML, thus allowing us to provide a download to any of our insurance partners regardless of the type of technology they use. The clean information we create can go to you directly and help reduce internal file set up costs.

CROMS Audits Every Report and Provides Automated Notices to Member Insurers When There is a File That Should Get Extra Attention!!

CROMS will look for discrepancies in reports, multiple loss histories, and other information contained in the reports and provides you with an electronic notice that will alert the insurer to cases that require an experienced eye before they run through the adjusting process. This provides you with an extra tool to highlight “unusual” cases.

Our Automated VIN DECODER and POLICE CPIC STOLEN VEHICLE DATABASE SEARCH is a Powerful Tool Available in our Next Phase of Development Due For September 2003 Completion!

Insurers asked for it, and we have been able to do it! Every vehicle coming through the CRCs will be checked through CROMS against CPIC. This should help identify numerous stolen vehicles and help insurers recover lost assets for which they have paid. The VIN decoder will confirm that the vehicle VIN is in fact the vehicle manufactured as stated on the registration slip.

Are You Ready for This? The INSURER WEB PORTAL Becomes Available in Phase 2!!

Through our Web Based CROMS application you and your adjusters can enter into a protected portion of our server dedicated to your customer records through our highly secure web portal. Here you can look at any of your insured’s completed CROMS folders including Third Party Data. This eliminates even the need for email or fax.

‘We’ve even developed a few preprogrammed management reports that your Claims Management Team will find useful. Imagine the database searches we can do!

Worried About Your Broker or Your Agent?? Let Our Automated Broker/Agent Notice go Directly From CROMS to Your Broker or Agent at the Same Time Our Package is sent to You!!

We have developed a Broker/Agent Notice for September 2003 delivery. This is a document that can be sent to your broker or agent at your direction. It will let the broker or agent know that your policyholder has been involved in an accident, and allow your broker or agent to be proactive in contacting the insured to assist them with their loss. The best of both worlds will make your policyholder feel great about their service experience, and will not leave the broker or agent out of the information loop.


We are currently working with York Regional Police, Peel Regional Police, Sudbury Police, and the Durham Regional Police to open new collision reporting centres in those communities where insurers face the same types of issues they do in Toronto.

We look forward to your support as we open in these communities and offer you all the advantages we bring to you, and to your policyholder.

About Accident Support Services International Ltd.

For more information about us, or our products and services, visit our web site at or contact:
Bob Gutwein C.F.E.
Vice President Sales and Operations

Accident Support Services International Ltd.

111 Toryork Drive
Toronto, ON
M9L 1X9
Telephone: (416) 745-3301 or 1-877-895-9111
Fax: (416) 745-5555

Email: [email protected]