G�mez Elevates Internet Performance Measurement To New Vista

Version 4.0 of the G�mez Performance Network delivers deeper diagnostic and more granular Web site performance data

Waltham, MA, September 16, 2003 — G�mez, Inc.� , the Internet Performance Management Company, today released the latest version of the G�mez Performance Network (GPN), a global end-to-end Internet measurement infrastructure with a new, next-generation agent technology to deliver a far more granular, scalable and diagnostic view of Web site performance.

Built on the industry’s most extensive global Internet performance measurement infrastructure, GPN 4.0 enables G�mez’s many clients to more easily measure and diagnose performance and availability of their own online critical business systems, and provide insight into those of their competitors.

GPN 4.0 is the first release of the popular G�mez performance measurement subscription service to make use of the company’s new Universal Transaction AgentTM (UTA). G�mez developed UTA as a precise, diagnostic, network-centric measurement agent that emulates browser/Web site interaction to capture and report single and multi-step, transactional Web page performance information.

“Our clients rely increasingly on GPN for real-time operational control of their Internet business performance. This significant update to GPN, including our new UTA agent, sets the standard for Internet performance monitoring depth, detail, reporting and diagnostic power,” said Dr. Alex Stein, G�mez’s CEO and President. “Moreover, G�mez services complement in-house application performance monitoring systems to improve the delivery of critical online business applications upon which our clients’ customers depend.”

GPN 4.0’s key enhancements include:

For operations:

  • Instantly test business transactions. No other Internet performance monitoring solutions offers this capability. GPN 4.0 clients can now instantly create performance tests on active transactions in a customer’s account. Instant transaction results are displayed as waterfall charts detailing the end-to-end time of each page in the transaction and the component-level detail of each object on that page.

  • Display a full year’s performance data from multi-step online transactions or single pages. This full-year archiving and reporting capability, also unique to G�mez, enables ad-hoc historical trend reporting directly from the GPN interface. As with scheduled transaction reports, users can “drill down” on data within each individual test by clicking through the data points within the chart.

  • Drill-down into transactional object performance. Charts generated for complex transactions now provide drill-down functionality for the underlying data contributing to a particular data point. Clicking a specific data point in the chart provides a table showing all relevant test details. Unlike other Internet performance monitoring services, GPN captures and reports objects from both successful and failed transactions.

  • Charting and diagnostic enhancements. The charting interface has been redesigned to present additional summary data such as the availability percentages alongside performance metrics on the initial chart.

For management:

  • On-the-fly transmission of daily reports or saved charts. Clients can send daily reports based on any saved chart for the previous day’s data. The saved chart can be a response time report, an error report, a transaction breakdown report, or just about any other chart that can be created in the reporting interface for any time frame within the last 24 hours.

  • Scheduled e-mail delivery of saved charts. Additional date parameters added to GPN’s “Select Time Period” section enables performance metrics to be consistently transmitted at critical intervals to team members across the enterprise. These new date options make is easier to create new charts and provide greater flexibility in scheduling e-mailed reports.

“Companies that have substantial investments in the Internet need unbiased and unimpeded visibility into online application speed and availability to precisely gauge overall e-business effectiveness,” said Glenn O’Donnell, a Program Director at META Group.
“External service providers with pervasive presence on the Internet continue to strengthen their ability to provide this vital perspective. Very few IT organizations enjoy the luxury of establishing this capability on their own, so augmenting overall management portfolios with third-party services that provide an end-to-end view of application reliability and speed can help identify Internet performance issues before they conspire to undercut e-business objectives,” he noted.

Unlike other leading performance monitoring companies, G�mez is the only company that provides its entire global network of measurement nodes — and 10,000-plus Internet-connected PC locations — at a fixed price per URL.

About G�mez

G�mez, the Internet Performance Management Company, is a trusted leader in measuring effectiveness of corporate and e-commerce Web sites for the world’s largest companies. Since 1997, G�mez has provided performance measurement, benchmarking and strategic insight to help build successful e-businesses. From the industry’s strongest, most respected heritage of Internet performance measurement, G�mez — via the G�mez Performance Network — is the only company to monitor across last-mile connections, delivering faster, actionable intelligence through its proprietary service.

Headquartered in Waltham, Mass., with operations in London, G�mez has experienced double-digit sales growth in the past year. Known for its customer benchmarks on usability, functionality and reliability, companies such as Bristol Myers-Squibb, BBC, Citibank, Eastman Kodak, Motorola, Hasbro and expedia.com, trust their Internet performance to G�mez. For more information, visit www.gomez.com.

G�mez, G�mez.com, G�mezPro, G�mez Scorecards, G�mez Performance Network and Internet Quality Measurement are trademarks and/or service marks of G�mez, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.