TORONTO, June 11, 2003 – At the Annual Business Meeting of the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association Inc. (CLHIA) held in Toronto today, Dan Thornton, Chief Operating Officer, Co-operators Life Insurance Company, was elected Chairman of the Association for the year ahead.
“I continue to value my involvement with the CLHIA and look forward to working closely with the new Board,” said Mr. Thornton. “These are challenging times and I welcome the opportunity to contribute to the deliberations on the many significant issues facing the life and health insurance industry.”
During his term of office, Mr. Thornton will be working with the newly elected Chairman Elect, Donald A. Stewart, Chief Executive Officer, Sun Life Financial Services of Canada Inc., and with the following members of the Board of Directors:
- Van M. Campbell, President, Unity Life of Canada;
- Dominic D’Alessandro, President and Chief Executive Officer, Manulife Financial
- Pierre Desbiens, President and Chief Executive Officer, National Bank Life Insurance Company;
- Peter C. McCarthy, President and Chief Executive Officer, AIG Life Insurance Company of Canada; and
- John D. Reid, President and Chief Executive Officer, Teachers Life Insurance Society (Fraternal).
- William A. Black, President and Chief Executive Officer, The Maritime Life Assurance Company;
- Yvon Charest, President and Chief Executive Officer, Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services;
- Douglas G. Hogeboom, President and Chief Executive Officer, The Empire Life Insurance Company;
- François Joly, President and Chief Operating Officer, Desjardins
Financial Security Life Assurance Company; - Martin Kirr, President and Chief Executive Officer, Swiss Re Life & Health Canada; and
- David Losier, General Manager, Acadia Life.
The two recent past Chairmen of the CLHIA, André St-Amour, President and Chief Executive Officer, RGA Life Reinsurance Company of Canada and Vincent P. Tonna, President and Chief Operating Officer of The National Life Assurance Company of Canada, will also continue as Board members.
The Association also noted that Gregory Traversy will become the Association’s President on July 1 upon the retirement of current President, Mark R. Daniels.
The CLHIA, established in 1894, represents 71 life and health insurance companies, which together account for more than 98 per cent of the life and health insurance in force in Canada, administer about two-thirds of the pension plans in the country and serve about 22 million policyholders across Canada and almost 15 million elsewhere around the world.
About the CLHIA
The Canadian life and health insurance industry provides a wide range of financial security products, including life insurance, annuities and supplementary health insurance, to about 26 million Canadians. The industry administers more than two-thirds of pension plans for Canada’s small and medium-sized businesses and the vast majority of group RRSPs. Established in 1894, the CLHIA is a voluntary association whose member companies account for 99 per cent of Canada’s life and health insurance business.
For more information, please visit
SOURCE: Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association Inc.
Tags: Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association (CLHIA)