Retirement’s social and personal challenges in the 21st century: Donald Stewart CEO Sun Life

TORONTO, Feb. 25, 2003 – Sun Life Financial Services of Canada Inc.’s Chief Executive Officer, Donald A. Stewart, spoke at the Hotel Hilton Bonaventure in Montreal, at a luncheon hosted by The Canadian Club of Montreal.

Mr. Stewart discussed:

  • the social and economic ramifications that trends in longevity and changing demographics will have in the future;
  • the role of employer sponsored pension plans;
  • the value of RRSP’s as a vehicle for tax savings; and
  • the personal and social implications of retirement.

A copy of Mr. Stewart’s speech is available in English and in French at Sun Life Financial’s corporate Web site,

About Sun Life

Sun Life Financial is a leading international financial services organization providing a diverse range of wealth accumulation and protection products and services to individuals and corporate customers. Tracing its roots back to 1865, Sun Life Financial and its partners today have operations in key markets worldwide, including Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Japan, Indonesia, India, China and Bermuda. As of December 31, 2002, the Sun Life Financial group of companies has total assets under management of CDN $360.6 billion.
