Accident Benefit Auditing Solutions – Detailed Auditing Program to assess Reserve Adequacy and Quality: announced by DKT Consulting Services

February 2003 – Waterloo, ON – DKT Consulting Services announces the launch of a Detailed Audit Program specific to Accident Benefit claims handling. The Detailed Reserve/File Quality Program is designed to help management assess the effectiveness of their Accident Benefit Units. The program has been designed to provide detailed information regarding file handling quality, reserving adequacy and management control processes.

File quality will be measured through a detailed review incorporating the following:

  • Coverage
  • Service/legislative compliance
  • Investigation
  • Adherence to corporate guidelines
  • Reserving adequacy

Each of the above areas is broken down into subcategories in order to provide detailed, objective data to support the findings. Worksheets will be modified to ensure information captured is reflective of each company’s guidelines.

A Management Control review is also available upon request. This review is completed to identify operational issues that may negatively impact the overall operation of the unit. This portion of the audit encompasses many different areas and information is gathered during meetings with identified staff members.

DKT Consulting Services was formed in 2002 to help companies raise the performance level of their Accident Benefit units. DKT Consulting provides training support in the form of Self- directed modules, audit services, file quality reviews, assistance in developing quality assurance protocol and operational reviews.

DKT Consulting Services is a member of the Canadian Association of Management Consultants.