Life Company Central Business Plan Completed in December 2002 as Planned

Dec 18, 2002. Toronto – Life Company Central (LCC) is pleased to confirm that the business plan has been completed in December as per the project plan established in September. This plan addresses the LCC mission, it’s value proposition to carriers and distributors, product and services, implementation approach, technology model and standards, corporate governance issues, and the financial metrics associated with this project.

Through the use of e-polls, one-on-one interviews, and panels we have been able to solicit a great deal of input to help us understand the willingness and readiness of carriers and distributors. In total more than 400 e-polls were completed and an additional 48 interviews (with multiple parties) were completed.

The plan was presented to the LCC founding members on December 13th and the reaction of the members was very positive. Each member company will now take the opportunity to review the plan in further detail and it is anticipated that this process will be completed by the end of January 2003.

During the month of January we will present an overview of the business plan to the distributor panel. This will be an opportunity for the panel to review and critique the business plan.

We will be continuing to operate our Web site ( and will be leaving the e-polls open.

We would like to thank all of those who participated in the providing LCC with the time and information and look forward to updating you in early February.