Castek’s InsuroCity Introduces Salvage

In the past, handling auto salvage was a manual process requiring phone calls, voice mail messages, and faxes to get the job done. Casteks’s InsuroCity has now streamlined the communication portion of the process, improving customer service, increasing appraiser efficiency, and driving down storage costs.

Communications that often took several phone calls and faxes are now handled via InsuroCity with a few clicks of the mouse. The appraiser determines that the vehicle is a total loss, settles with the client, and then sends a message through InsuroCity to the auto recycler, alerting them to the vehicle for pickup. This message contains all the details required by the recycler, and since they were already present in the claim file, the appraiser has not had to perform any additional re-keying of information. The salvage company immediately has all the claim data they require and they know exactly where and when to pick up the vehicle. The salvage company can then respond to both the appraiser and the adjuster with a message indicating that they have taken care of the vehicle and storage costs are concluded. This chain of events is all driven by the InsuroCity workflow which makes certain that all the various claim participants have access to the information they require, thereby forming a collaborative communication loop with the adjuster coordinating the claims activities.

HB Group is now handling their salvage process through Castek’s InsuroCity eClaims application and has noticed an immediate impact. “The use of InsuroCity has really streamlined the process, the appraisers have fewer communications to make, and it has taken some of the paper out of the process,” comments Kate Rodgers, the National Claims Specialist at HB Group.

Rob Gow, V.P. Business Development, Castek’s eClaims, says that, “In the claims process, any time you can reduce, or eliminate, non-collaborative methods of communication, such as phone calls, emails, and voice mail, and use a tool such as InsuroCity eClaims to connect everybody to the information they need in real time, you immediately are going to realize improved efficiency, increased productivity, and claim cost reductions all contributing to improved customer service. Everybody has the information they need to do their job when they need it.”

Salvage is the latest claim component to be streamlined by InsuroCity’s eClaims platform at HB Group Insurance Management. Accident benefit and bodily injury claims are scheduled to be rolled out in mid-August this year.